The AC7 form plays a crucial role in the finalization of your graduate research, documenting the outcomes of your defense exam or dissertation examination. This form is submitted by the defense examination committee convener, detailing the committee’s feedback, recommendations, and the final grade assigned to your work.
Process Overview
Convener’s Role: The convener compiles and submits the AC7 form via the Graduate Services Portal after your defense, summarizing the examination outcomes, committee evaluations, and any pertinent comments.
Comprehensive Feedback: The report provides detailed feedback on your thesis or dissertation, identifying strengths and suggesting improvements. It also outlines any recommended revisions.
Grade Assignment:
Master’s Project Students: The grade in this report is posted as a letter grade out of a 4.0 scale and is assigned to the Project 593 course.
Master’s Thesis and PhD Dissertation Students: The grade is posted as “S” (Satisfactory) or “U” (Unsatisfactory) and is assigned to the Thesis-3 599 course for Master’s students or Dissertation-3 699 course for PhD students, based on the defense outcomes.
Unsatisfactory or Failed grades: Students who receive an “F” in the Project 593 course or “U” in the Thesis-3 599 / Dissertation-3 699 course are permitted to repeat the defense 1 more time.
Notification of Outcome: You will be notified through the Graduate Services Portal about the defense results, including your grade and any required revisions.
Next Step
Addressing Feedback: Review the committee’s feedback thoroughly to understand the required revisions, if any.
Revisions and Final Submission: Complete any recommended revisions promptly. The examination committee could request for minor or major revisions to your work. Minor revisions should be completed within a month, and major revisions must be completed within 6 months.