External Reviewer
Understanding the role of the external reviewer is pivotal in the process of preparing and finalizing Traditional Theses and Dissertations at Kuwait University. This page outlines the distinct responsibilities and processes for Master’s theses and Doctoral dissertations.
For Master’s Theses
In the context of a Traditional Thesis for a Master’s degree, the involvement of an external reviewer is a standard requirement. Unlike the Article-Based Thesis, where external review is waived, Traditional Theses undergo additional review:
External Review: Every Master’s thesis is subject to review by an external expert specialized in the field of study. This critical step ensures an unbiased evaluation of the thesis, assessing its academic merit and the student’s ability to conduct and present research.
Defense Scheduling: Following a positive evaluation from the external reviewer, the student is permitted to schedule their defense. The student can fill the AC6 form to request a defense date.
For Doctoral Dissertations
Doctoral Traditional dissertations, by virtue of their extensive research scope and depth, necessitate a thorough review by an external examiner. This process is integral to achieving an impartial critique of the dissertation’s overall quality and research contribution:
External Review: All doctoral dissertations are meticulously reviewed by an external authority, who assesses the dissertation in its entirety. This examination is crucial for upholding the highest scholarly standards and validating the dissertation’s originality and contribution to the academic field.
Feedback and Revisions: The doctoral candidate may need to undertake revisions based on the feedback from the external reviewer and the oral defense committee’s assessments. These revisions often pertain to the dissertation’s structure, including the introduction, literature review, methodology, discussion, and conclusion, to ensure a cohesive and comprehensive response to the committee’s feedback.