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Article-Based Thesis

Overview of the Article-Based Thesis Format

Introduction to the Article-Based Thesis

The Article-Based Thesis is a contemporary approach to academic presentations, designed for students aiming to produce scholarly articles for publication. This format is particularly relevant in fields where publishing in academic journals is a standard expectation. It enables the compilation of peer-reviewed articles or manuscripts into a unified thesis.


The format of this thesis typically begins with an Introduction as Chapter 1, setting the stage for the research by outlining the study’s aims, scope, and significance. This is followed by the Articles(s) as the subsequent chapter(s), where each published or accepted article is presented as an individual chapter, detailing the research conducted, methodologies employed, results obtained, and discussions pertaining to each study. The thesis culminates in a Conclusion chapter, which synthesizes the insights gained from the individual publications, reflects on the research’s overall contributions to the field, and suggests avenues for future inquiry.

Benefits and Guidance

Adopting this format can elevate a student’s academic profile, enhance engagement with the research community, and facilitate the swift dissemination of findings. This guide will walk you through the necessary eligibility criteria, required components, and the submission process, as established by the College of Graduate Studies.