Understanding the role of the external reviewer is crucial in the process of preparing and finalizing Article-Based Theses and Dissertations at Kuwait University. This page outlines the distinct responsibilities and processes for Master’s theses and Doctoral dissertations.
For Master’s Theses
In the context of an Article-Based Thesis for a Master’s degree, the requirement for external review is typically waived. The Article-Based Thesis is not sent for external review. This exemption is based on the understanding that the included paper(s) have already undergone a rigorous peer-review process prior to their acceptance for publication. Consequently, the focus shifts directly to the student’s defense:
Defense Scheduling: Once the AC4 form is approved, indicating that the thesis meets the required standards, the student can proceed with scheduling their defense without the need for an external review.
For Doctoral Dissertations
Doctoral Article-Based dissertations, given their comprehensive nature and the depth of research required, are subject to review by an external examiner. This process ensures an impartial assessment of the dissertation in its entirety:
External Review: All doctoral dissertations are reviewed by an external expert who evaluates the work as a cohesive whole. This step is essential for maintaining the highest academic standards and ensuring the research’s integrity and contribution to the field.
Feedback and Revisions: Based on the external reviewer’s feedback and the oral defense committee’s evaluations, revisions may be necessary. These revisions are typically focused on the dissertation’s connecting texts, such as the introduction, the transitions between chapters, the discussion and conclusion sections, to ensure coherence and comprehensive addressing of the committee’s comments.
Manuscript Integrity: It is important to note that while revisions may be required to the overarching narrative or explanatory sections of the dissertation, the manuscripts included as chapters should remain unchanged in the final submission. This stipulation honors the integrity of the peer-reviewed publications that constitute the core of the Article-Based Dissertation.