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Master of Science in Mathematics

Master's Program

Master the language of the universe in our program, where mathematics exploration fuels advancements in science, technology, and problem-solving.

he Department of Mathematics offers a graduate program that leads to Master of Science degree in Mathematics. The Program features a thesis and non-thesis option. The thesis option requires a successful conclusion of a thesis, and the non-thesis option requires the completion of a project. Passing a comprehensive examination is required for students who choose a non-thesis option. English is the Language of instruction and research.



To be recognized as one of the top mathematics department in the region for offering strong M.Sc. in Mathematics, and to be valued internationally as a significant contributor to the continuing graduate education in these fields.



To train students to apply and disseminate mathematical knowledge and understanding.


Educational Objectives

  • To provide students with a comprehensive mathematical education at Kuwait University, so that they can either continue to pursue a Ph. D program at top institutions around the world or to pursue Master and Ph. D programs abroad.
  • To prepare students to compete successfully for employment and higher positions in government, industry, and non-profit organizations.
  • To attract students with solid background in mathematics and to engage them in mathematical research.


Student Learning Outcomes

  • To solve problems in the advanced areas of mathematics including (a) differential equations, (b) numerical analysis, (c) algebra, and (d) real analysis.
  • To identify, formulate, and solve complex mathematical problems by applying advanced mathematics.
  • To communicate mathematical ideas with clarity and coherence, both written and verbally.
  • To perform and disseminate research individually and in collaboration with other researchers.

Master of Science in Mathematics

Master the language of the universe in our program, where mathematics exploration fuels advancements in science, technology, and problem-solving.

he Department of Mathematics offers a graduate program that leads to Master of Science degree in Mathematics. The Program features a thesis and non-thesis option. The thesis option requires a successful conclusion of a thesis, and the non-thesis option requires the completion of a project. Passing a comprehensive examination is required for students who choose a non-thesis option. English is the Language of instruction and research.



To be recognized as one of the top mathematics department in the region for offering strong M.Sc. in Mathematics, and to be valued internationally as a significant contributor to the continuing graduate education in these fields.



To train students to apply and disseminate mathematical knowledge and understanding.


Educational Objectives

  • To provide students with a comprehensive mathematical education at Kuwait University, so that they can either continue to pursue a Ph. D program at top institutions around the world or to pursue Master and Ph. D programs abroad.
  • To prepare students to compete successfully for employment and higher positions in government, industry, and non-profit organizations.
  • To attract students with solid background in mathematics and to engage them in mathematical research.


Student Learning Outcomes

  • To solve problems in the advanced areas of mathematics including (a) differential equations, (b) numerical analysis, (c) algebra, and (d) real analysis.
  • To identify, formulate, and solve complex mathematical problems by applying advanced mathematics.
  • To communicate mathematical ideas with clarity and coherence, both written and verbally.
  • To perform and disseminate research individually and in collaboration with other researchers.
Admission Requirements
REQUIREMENTS (2024/2025)
Accepted Degrees:
NameRankPublicationsResearch Area
ProfessorHani Farran
ProfessorIsmail Abil Ali
ProfessorSalem M. Al-yakoob
ProfessorNejib SmaouiDynamical Systems, Applied PDEs, Chaos and Control
ProfessorAbdullah Z AlazemiSpectral Graph Theory, Algebra, Combinatorial Objects and Combinatorics.
ProfessorAli KansoData Security, Cryptography, Secret Sharing
ProfessorBoumediene ChentoufControl Theory, PDEs
ProfessorDragana IlicLinear algebra, Functional analysis, Operator theory
Associate ProfessorAlbert BorbelyRiemannian Geometry
Associate ProfessorLatif Hanna AbdelmalekApplications in Algebras, Representations of Groups and Lie Algebras, and Fractional Calculus
Associate ProfessorMaryam A. Al-kandari
Associate ProfessorBader Al Shamary
Associate ProfessorFares M AlazemiFinancial Mathematics, Stochastic Analysis, SDEs, SPDEs, Statistical Estimation
Associate ProfessorAurelian Bejancu
Associate ProfessorMohammad Ghebleh
Associate ProfessorFathi SaidiFunctional Analysis and Applications, Best Approximation Theory
Associate ProfessorAbdulaziz F AlsenafiModeling, Scientific Computing, Differential Equations,Fluid Dynamics and Stochastics
Associate ProfessorMilica AndelicSpectral Graph Theory, Combinatorial Matrix Theory, Discrete Mathematics
Associate ProfessorKhalifa Es-sebaiyStochastic Analysis, SDEs, SPDEs, Financial Models, Statistical Estimation
Associate ProfessorKyriakos PapadopoulosAnalytic Topology, Topics in Mathematical Relativity & Quantum Field Theory
Associate ProfessorFuat Gurcan
Associate ProfessorBoudjemaa AnchoucheDifferential Geometry, Complex Algebraic Geometry and Harmonic Analysis
Associate ProfessorAbdelhameed Nagy Abdo
Associate ProfessorAnton BettenApplied Algebra, Combinatorics, Finite Gometry, Computer Science
Associate ProfessorAbdullah A AlshammariMathematical biology, mathematical epidemiology, mathematical modeling, microvascular oxygen transport
Associate ProfessorHamid M SaidPDEs, Calculus of Variations, Entropy

Prof. Nejib Smaoui


Dr. Aurelian Bejancu


Dr. Abdullah A Alshammari


Dr. Abdulaziz S Alsenafi


Dr. Fathi Saidi

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