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Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Master's Program
Admission Requirements
REQUIREMENTS (2024/2025)
NameRankPublicationsResearch Area
ProfessorMohammad Rajab Alansary
ProfessorEmad Abbass Korshid
ProfessorAndreas ChristoforouContact laws/elastoplastic material models; Analytical and experimental impact dynamics of composite structures; Damage assessment in composite laminates; Scaling and control of impact in structures; Dynamics of oilwell drill strings; Smart structures/control and identification; Engineering education/assessment and curriculum development
ProfessorWalid ChakrounThermal Sciences, Air-conditioning and Indoor Air Quality, Power Plant
ProfessorEsam M AlawadhiHeat transfer and fluid mechanics.
ProfessorKhaled A Al-hazzaControl, vibration, Dynamics
ProfessorKhaled H. AlfadhalahMechanical Behavior of Materials, Solid Mechanics, Metal Forming, Thermomechanical Processing
Associate ProfessorMohammad M AlfaresKinematics of Robot Manipulators, Robotics Application in Construction Industry, Mechanical Vibration, Condition-Based Monitoring & Maintenance, Manufactuing Processes, and Mechanical Testing & Failure Analysis
Associate ProfessorOsama Gh. Al-yousif
Associate ProfessorAmmar N AlsairafiCombustion, CFD, Desalination
Associate ProfessorAbdulazim A. Falah
Associate ProfessorKhalid A AlghanemKinematics, Mechanical Vibrations, Linkages and Mechanisms, Modeling, Engineering, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Simulation
Associate ProfessorRaed M BourisliOptimization, heat transfer in buildings, photovoltaics, numerical fluid dynamics, thermodynamics
Associate ProfessorMohammed Al- Ajmi
Associate ProfessorMajed H Majeed
Associate ProfessorBader Al Shuraiaan
Associate Professorِabdullah A AlshayeBiomechanics, Stress Analysis, Material Characterization, Vibration Control, Sloshing Suppression, Metamaterial
Associate ProfessorShikha S EbrahimBoiling, Two-phase heat transfer, Experimental thermal and fluid sciences, nanofluids
Associate ProfessorOsama IbrahimApplied thermodynamics, Heat transfer, Heat treatment: High-temperature oxidation, Porous media, Clean air Technologyies
Associate ProfessorEbrahim Abduallah Alsheridah
Associate ProfessorAdel S Alsubaih
Associate ProfessorFotouh Alragum
Assistant ProfessorSuhailah Saleh Al-mutawa
Assistant ProfessorAdnan Y. Mostafa
Assistant ProfessorAsad A AlebrahimEntropy Generation Minimization (EGM), Optimization of Thermal Systems, Second Law Analysis of Thermodynamics
Assistant ProfessorAlia Mj Marafie
Assistant ProfessorAdel A Alshayji
Assistant ProfessorJasem L Baroon
Assistant ProfessorNawaf M AljuwayhelHVAC systems, Refrigeration, Nanofluids, thermodynamics properties, Heat transfer, Nano-coating
Assistant ProfessorAbdullah H AlazemiNanotechnology; Materials science; Tribology; Friction study at the micro and nanoscale; lubricant additives
Assistant ProfessorAbdullah A MohammedDynamics and Vibrations, Solid Mechanics, Control Systems, Optimization and Mathematical Modeling, Tribology
Assistant ProfessorAmmar Kh BahmanApplied thermodynamics, Energy efficiency, Energy conversion and management, Energy and buildings, Energy and built environment, Exergy analysis, Techno‑economic, Exergo‑economic, Gas dynamics, HVAC&R, Heat exchangers design, Alternative refrigerants, Advanced heat pumping technologies, Dynamic and steady‑state system modeling, Thermal systems optimization, Machine learning, Two‑phase, Nanofluids, Thermophysical properties characterization
Assistant ProfessorMohammad A AlzuabiExperimental thermal sciences
Assistant ProfessorMohammad F AlabdullahCharacterization and modeling of materials and structures under extreme environments.Damage and failure of materials in mechanical design, structural mechanics, fracture mechanics, dislocation dynamics and additive manufacturing
Assistant ProfessorAbdulaziz A AlawadhiMechatronics and control systems

Dr. Osama Mohamed Ibrahim


Dr. Raed I Bourisli


Dr. Bader Al Shuraiaan


Dr. Abdullah Sh Alajmi

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