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Bachelors of Sharia Law in Comparative Jurisprudence And Policy of Sharia

Bachelor's Program

Bachelors of Sharia Law in Comparative Jurisprudence And Policy of Sharia

Program Details

First: Bachelor’s Degree: 
The college employs the educational course system and students will acquire 
the bachelor’s degree after completing 142 credits.

The college offers four majors in Sharia & Islamic Studies:

1- Tafseer and Hadeeth Major (Quranic Interpretation & Prophetic Tradition)
2- Aqedah and Da’wa Major (Doctrine and Preaching Islam )
3- Fqih and Usul Al-Fqih Major (Jurisrudence and Principle of Jurisprudence)
4- Comparative Fqih and Sharia’s Policy Major (Comparative Jurisprudence and Policy of Sharia)

Second: Postgraduate Program Studies: 
In cooperation with the College of Graduate Studies our college have accredited the 
following postgraduate programs:

The college offers four Master Programs:

1- Master’s Program in Hadeeth and its Sciences – Founded in 1414 AH/ 1993 
AD. (Quranic Interpretation and Prophetic Tradition)
2- Master’s Program in Comparative Fqih and Usul Al-Fqih – Founded 1415 
AH/ 1994 AD. (Comparative Jurisprudence And Policy of Sharia)
3- Master’s Program in Tafseer and Uloom the Holy Quran – Founded 1416 AH/ 
1995 AD. (Master's Program in Tafsir and Quranic Sciences)
4- Master’s Program in Aqedah and the Contemporary Ideational Madhhab –
Founded 2013/2014. (Islam Creed & Contemporary Intellectual of Thought)

The college offers Two Doctoral Programs:

1- PHD program in Comparative Fqih and Usol Al-Fqih – Founded 2006/2005.
(Comparative Islamic Jurisprudence & Principle of Jurisprudence)
2- PHD program in Hadeeth and its Sciences – Founded in 2014/2013. (Prophetic 
Tradition & its sciences)

Admission Requirements

Application Requirements


Application Requirements for Graduate Studies:

Applicants must have a BA or equivalent majoring in Sharia, Usul Al-Din, 
Fqih, Comparative Fqih, Islamic Principles, Sharia’s Policy, Tafseer & Hadeeth, and 
Aqedah & Da’wa from any accredited university either in Kuwait or other Arab 
countries, having normally achieved a 2.67 GPA or better in a 4 points GPA system.
Applicants must take an IELTS test to provide proof of their English language skills. 
Students are expected to reach a minimum overall score of 3.5 out of 9, and an
overall score of 400 out of 800 in local TOFEL test. The certificate that is submitted 
must be recent, older certificates will not be approved (2 years or more).

Master Program Entry Requirements:

1- Reciting the first six Quranic Verses, along with reciting the Tabark and the
Amma part from the Holy Quran orally and in writing. The passing score must 
be no less than 70%.
2- Taking a written test on the chosen topics and books from each master 
program. The passing score must be no less than 70%.
3- Passing an interview revolving around any area of Sharia & Islamic Studies. 
The interview will be based on general questions in the applicants BA major

Doctoral Program Entry Requirements:

1- Reciting the Quranic Verses from the beginning of Surat Al-Isra’ to the last 
Surah Al-Fatir orally and in writing. The passing score must be no less than 
2- Taking a written test on the chosen topics and books from each master 
program. The passing score must be no less than 80%.
3- Passing an interview revolving around any area of Sharia & Islamic Studies. 
The interview will be based on general questions in the applicants BA and MA 
Our college is currently managing the 6 post graduate programs mentioned above 
(4 MA and 2 PHD) with those students who are interested in further education in 
these fields. We have brought out 508 alumnus from our master programs, and 53 
alumnus with PHDs until the school year 2019/2020. We assign a special committee 
for each of the mentioned programs.


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